Writing Your Own Children’s Book: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Sarah Brown | Published on 2022-04-06

Are you an aspiring author looking to make your mark in the world of children’s literature? Writing your own children’s book can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be a daunting task. With so many elements to consider, it can be difficult to know where to start. But don’t worry – this step-by-step guide will help you navigate the process of writing your own children’s book. From coming up with an idea to polishing the final draft, we’ll walk you through the entire process. So grab a pen and paper and let’s get started!

The image shows a smiling young girl sitting at a desk, with a stack of paper, a pencil, and a laptop in front of her. She is happily writing her own children's book, illustrating the process of creating a story from start

Decide on a story idea

When it comes to writing a children’s book, the first step is to decide on a story idea. This can be a daunting task, but it’s important to take the time to brainstorm and come up with an idea that is both engaging and original.

Start by asking yourself what kind of story you want to tell. Do you want to tell a story about a real-life experience, or a fantasy world? Do you want to tell a story about a particular character, or a group of characters? Once you’ve decided on the type of story you want to tell, you can start to think about the plot. What will the main characters do? What will the conflict be? What will the resolution be?

It’s also important to think about the age group you are writing for. Different age groups have different interests and different levels of understanding. For example, a story for a five-year-old might be very different from a story for a ten-year-old. Make sure to keep the age group in mind when coming up with your story idea.

Once you have a story idea, it’s time to start writing. Write down your ideas, create a rough outline, and start to flesh out the details. You can also use storyboarding techniques to help you visualize the story and create a visual representation of the plot. With a little bit of creativity and hard work, you’ll have a story that’s ready to be shared with the world.

Develop characters and plot

When it comes to developing characters and plot for your children’s book, it’s important to think about the characters and their motivations. What do they want? What are their goals? What are their fears? What are their strengths and weaknesses? These are all important questions to ask yourself when creating your characters.

Once you have a good idea of who your characters are, you can start to develop the plot. What is the main conflict? What obstacles will your characters have to overcome? What will the resolution be? Think about how your characters will interact with each other and how the story will progress. It’s also important to think about the pacing of the story. Will it be fast-paced or slow-paced? Will there be any unexpected twists and turns?

Finally, think about the themes and messages you want to convey in your story. What lessons do you want your readers to learn? What values do you want to emphasize? These are all important considerations when developing your characters and plot.

Research the target audience

Researching the target audience for your children’s book is an important step in the writing process. Knowing who you are writing for will help you to create a story that resonates with them. It will also help you to determine the age range of your book, the language you use, and the topics you cover.

The first step in researching your target audience is to think about the age range of the book. Are you writing for toddlers, preschoolers, elementary school-aged children, or teenagers? Knowing the age range will help you to determine the reading level and the topics that are appropriate for your book.

You should also consider the interests of your target audience. What do they like to read about? What topics do they find interesting? What kind of stories do they enjoy? Knowing the interests of your target audience will help you to create a story that they will enjoy.

Finally, you should consider the cultural background of your target audience. Are you writing for a specific cultural group or for a diverse audience? Knowing the cultural background of your target audience will help you to create a story that is culturally relevant and appropriate.

Researching the target audience for your children’s book is an important step in the writing process. Knowing who you are writing for will help you to create a story that resonates with them and that they will enjoy.

Choose the book format

Choosing the book format for your children’s book is an important step in the writing process. There are a variety of formats to choose from, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

One popular format is a picture book. Picture books are typically aimed at younger readers, and are usually 32 pages in length. They are illustrated with colorful artwork that helps to bring the story to life. Picture books are a great way to introduce children to the world of reading, and can be a lot of fun to write.

Another popular format is a chapter book. Chapter books are aimed at older readers, and are usually longer than picture books. They are divided into chapters, and often have a more complex plot and characters. Writing a chapter book can be a great way to engage readers and keep them interested in the story.

Finally, there is the novel format. Novels are typically aimed at older readers, and can be quite long. They often have a more detailed plot and characters, and can be a great way to explore a story in depth. Writing a novel can be a great way to challenge yourself as a writer, and can be a lot of fun.

No matter which format you choose, it’s important to keep in mind the age of your target audience. This will help you to determine which format is best suited for your story.

Outline the story structure

Outlining the story structure is an important step in writing a children’s book. It helps to ensure that the story flows logically and that all the elements of the plot are included. A good story structure should include a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning should introduce the characters and the setting, and should set up the main conflict. The middle should contain the main action of the story, as well as any subplots or twists. The end should resolve the main conflict and tie up any loose ends.

When outlining the story structure, it is important to consider the age of the target audience. For younger readers, the plot should be simple and straightforward. For older readers, the plot can be more complex and include multiple subplots. It is also important to consider the length of the book. A longer book can include more plot points, while a shorter book should focus on the main conflict.

Finally, it is important to consider the pacing of the story. A good story should have a mix of fast-paced and slow-paced scenes. Fast-paced scenes should contain exciting action, while slow-paced scenes should provide time for character development and reflection. By carefully considering the pacing of the story, the writer can ensure that the story is engaging and entertaining for the reader.

Write the manuscript

Writing the manuscript is the most important part of the process of creating a children’s book. It’s the part where you bring your story to life and make it ready for publication. Here are some tips to help you write your manuscript.

First, start with a rough draft. This is the part where you can let your creativity flow and get your ideas down on paper. Don’t worry about making mistakes or getting things perfect. Just write and let your story come alive.

Second, edit and revise your manuscript. This is the part where you can go back and make sure everything is perfect. Read through your manuscript and make sure the story is clear, the characters are developed, and the plot is engaging. Make sure the language is appropriate for the target audience and that the story is age-appropriate.

Finally, get feedback from others. Ask other writers, editors, and children’s book experts to read your manuscript and give you feedback. This will help you make sure your story is ready for publication.

Writing the manuscript is a crucial part of the process of creating a children’s book. With these tips, you can make sure your story is ready for publication.

Edit and revise your work

Editing and revising your work is an essential part of the writing process. It’s important to take the time to review and refine your work until it’s the best it can be. Here are some tips to help you edit and revise your children’s book.

First, read your work aloud. This will help you identify any awkward phrasing or sentences that don’t flow well. It can also help you spot any typos or grammar mistakes.

Next, look for ways to improve the flow of your story. Make sure the plot is easy to follow and that the characters are consistent throughout. Consider if any scenes or dialogue can be removed or improved.

Finally, ask for feedback from others. Ask friends, family, or other writers to read your work and provide constructive criticism. This can help you identify any areas that need improvement and give you a fresh perspective on your work.

Find an illustrator or create illustrations yourself

Finding an illustrator or creating illustrations yourself is an important step in the process of writing a children’s book. Illustrations can help bring the story to life and make it more engaging for young readers.

If you’re looking for an illustrator, you’ll want to find someone who can capture the essence of your story and bring it to life with their artwork. Look for illustrators who specialize in children’s books and have a portfolio of work that you can review. You can also look for illustrators on websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer.

If you’re an artist yourself, you may want to consider creating the illustrations for your book. This can be a great way to save money and ensure that your illustrations reflect your vision for the story. If you’re not an experienced artist, you may want to take some classes or practice drawing to improve your skills. You can also look for tutorials online to help you learn how to create illustrations for your book.

Publish your book

Publishing your book can be an exciting, yet daunting task. There are several options available to you, depending on your budget and the type of book you’ve written. If you’re looking to self-publish, you’ll need to consider the cost of printing, marketing, and distribution. You can also look into traditional publishing, which involves submitting your manuscript to a publisher and waiting for them to accept or reject it.

If you decide to self-publish, you’ll need to find a printer and decide on the type of binding and paper you want for your book. You’ll also need to consider the cost of marketing your book, such as advertising and creating a website. You’ll also need to decide how you’ll distribute your book, whether it’s through online retailers or physical bookstores.

If you decide to go the traditional publishing route, you’ll need to research agents and publishers who specialize in children’s books. You’ll also need to create a query letter and a synopsis of your book to submit to agents and publishers. It’s important to remember that the publishing process can take a long time, so be prepared for a lot of patience and perseverance.


Writing your own children's book can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. With a little bit of planning, research, and creativity, you can create a story that will be enjoyed by children of all ages. Whether you choose to self-publish or submit your book to a publisher, the process of writing a children's book is an exciting journey that can lead to a lifetime of memories.